Broke up with your girlfriend?
Missing her badly?
Want her back, but you don’t know how?
Or have you TRIED to win her back, but whatever you did BACKFIRED, and now you don’t know what to do next?
First of all: If you’ve tried and failed to get an ex-girlfriend back, it’s NOT your fault.
Like millions of men around the world, you’ve been MISLED.
Conventional dating advice would tell you to:
- Talk openly and honestly with your ex-girlfriend!
- Have the purest of intentions for wanting her back!
- Promise her you’ll never make the same mistakes again!
- Show her that you’ve become a new man by showering her with affection!
- And other unmanly bullshit!
You probably realize this now, but let us say it anyway: None of those work!
All they do is push her farther away. They make her realize you’re NOT a strong, dominant, manly guy she’d want to come back to.
So what’s a guy to do?
In this guide, you’re about to learn the “secret weapon” for getting your ex-girlfriend back.
It’s a “magic bullet” that WILL get your ex back, no matter how bad the breakup might have been.
Dig in…
What's Inside This Guide
Fractionation: What Is It?
That “magic bullet” is Fractionation.
Fractionation is a technique developed and popularized by Derek Rake, mentalist and coach. He popularized it (as well as the other techniques you’ll learn in this guide) in his magnum opus, Shogun Method. (Read our review of Shogun Method here.)
What is Fractionation?
Quite simply, Fractionation is the act of putting women on emotional rollercoasters.
Emotional rollercoasters are alternating, intensifying cycles of emotional highs and lows:
- An emotional low, followed by an emotional high (or vice-versa)
- Some pleasure, followed by some emotional pain (or vice-versa)
- Some pressure or tension, followed by some relief (or vice-versa)
Take note: This means you’ll need to inflict emotional pain on your ex-girlfriend.
That’s the exact opposite of what conventional dating advice would tell you.
But unless you’re ready to do that, you’ll never get her back. Believe me.
Emotional rollercoasters will make your woman lose control over her feelings. She’ll start getting addicted to the emotional highs you give her.
And pretty soon, she’ll start depending on you for her happiness and sanity.
At that point, she’d be crazy NOT to want to get back with you again!
How Fractionation Seduction Works On Women
On the surface, Fractionation may sound a little… crazy.
But the results will shock you. (In a good way.)
It shocked us. And it shocked more than 17,000 (yes, 17,000) of Derek Rake’s clients so far.
Why does Fractionation Seduction work so well?
It’s all because of the science behind it.
Scientific studies have found that women actually NEED drama in life((Strazdins, L. and Broom, D.H., 2004. Acts of love (and work) gender imbalance in emotional work and women’s psychological distress. Journal of Family Issues, 25(3), pp.356-378.)).
In fact, it’s one of their deepest emotional needs. In the long term, drama is even more important to women than safety and security.
Emotional Rollercoasters And Drama
Here’s the problem: Most boyfriends tend to AVOID drama.
Most boyfriends create relationships where everything is predictable. And the goal is simple: To make their girlfriends happy.
If that’s your goal, then why in the world would you want to create drama, right?
Unfortunately, these boyfriends don’t realize they’re making their ladies miserable.
You just experienced it with your girlfriend.
The bottom line is this: If you avoid drama and can’t handle it when it comes to you… then your woman doesn’t see you as manly.
When she doesn’t see you as manly, she can’t respect you…
…and when she can’t respect you, she can’t love you.
See how it works?
Now, here’s the good news:
Even after the breakup, Fractionation can STILL work on your ex-girlfriend.
As long as you haven’t done anything incredibly stupid that she’d sooner call the police than talk to you… you can still make her come back to you.
Next, you’ll learn how to use Fractionation on your ex-girlfriend (in three simple steps).
Continue reading!
How To Use Fractionation On Your Ex-Girlfriend (In Three Simple Steps)
Shogun Method practitioners (or known affectionately as “Shoguns” in Derek Rake’s community) know one thing about Fractionation:
There are HUNDREDS of ways to use it.
But in your case – you want to get your ex-girlfriend back – one tactic stands above all.
It’s called the “DCE Tactic.” DCE stands for the three steps you’ll be taking:
- Disarm your ex-girlfriend;
- Confuse her; and finally –
- Enslave her.
Let’s start with the first step…
Step #1: Disarm Her
The first step is to disarm your ex by doing the exact opposite of what she’s expecting.
What is your ex-girlfriend expecting you to do?
- If she’s expecting you to ask her to come back, tell her: “It’s your life – you’re free to do whatever you want.”
- If she’s expecting you to argue with her, then treat her like a really good friend you have zero disagreements with.
- Etc.
You get the idea. You could even disarm her over text!
(As a side note: For a quick guide on Fractionation Texting, click here.)
The key is to get her thinking: “What the heck is he up to?”
That’s important because the more she thinks of you, the more she’ll miss you.
Step #2: Confuse Her (With Implanted Commands)
The second step is to confuse the heck out of her.
After Step #1, your ex-girlfriend will already be confused. Now, you’ll take her confusion to the next level.
How? By sending conflicting messages to the conscious and unconscious parts of her mind.
That might sound a little complicated, but here’s how it works: You use what we call “Implanted Commands.”
Implanted Commands are commands that will push your relationship closer to where you want it to be((Derek Rake, “Implanted Commands and the Subconscious Mind”, 2015)). (In this case, it’s to get her to come back to you.)
Except that your commands will be camouflaged by other words you say to her.
Here’s an example of how it works. If you tell your ex-girlfriend:
“Come back to me,”
…then that’s a DIRECT command.
And what’s her likely reaction to a direct command like that?
She’ll REJECT you, that’s what. Her conscious mind immediately knows what you’re up to, and she stops you right there and there.
But what if you said:
“I’d tell you to come back to me, but I won’t.”
…then that’s an IMPLANTED command.
And her conscious mind will register your statement that “you won’t tell her to come back to you.”
But her SUBCONSCIOUS mind will register your command: “Come back to me.”
And that command will ring in her subconscious over and over.
As a result, deep inside, she’ll feel the URGE to come back to you.
If you give her enough Implanted Commands, she’ll start changing her mind about the breakup.
(Quick note: Derek Rake gives a whopping list of 44 Implanted Commands in Module 6 of Shogun Method. Just in case you want more ideas and examples!)
And lastly:
Step #3: Enslave Her (Or, How To Manipulate Your Ex-Girlfriend Emotionally)
Don’t worry – when we say “Enslave,” we’re talking about EMOTIONAL enslavement, not physical.
The third step is to make her so emotionally addicted to you that she changes her mind… says sorry… and begs you to take her back.
This is where full-power Fractionation comes in. You put your ex-girlfriend on intense emotional rollercoasters:
- You have a good time with her, then pick a fight with her
- You argue with her, then have some incredible make-up sex with her
- When she hints about getting back together, you tell her “probably not – I’m happy where I am right now.” And then you treat her like a girlfriend anyway
The result? She’ll feel so out of control that she becomes dependent on your leadership and direction.
What’s more, she starts to get addicted to the emotional highs you’re giving her.
Eventually, she’ll break. She’ll apologize for breaking up with you, and she’ll ask if you could start over on a clean slate.
That’s when you take her back in – on the condition that she follows your rules from now on. She’ll readily agree, and she’ll never leave you again.
Devious, huh?
But it’s SO MUCH BETTER when SHE begs you to come back to her than the other way around!
Why You Must Learn How To Master Fractionation
Make no mistake…
Enslavement is the crucial final step to make her stay with you forever.
If you don’t Enslave her (emotionally), she’ll lose interest in the relationship again down the line. And when you lose her a second time, you’ll never get her back again.
But if you DO Enslave her, then she’ll see you as the strongest, manliest, most dominant man in her life. And she’d be absolutely crazy to leave you then.
Want to learn more about Fractionation?
Fractionation is actually just one of the many techniques under the art of Mind Control. If you’d like to become a master of Mind Control, then start by watching this Masterclass by Derek Rake now:
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