Want to learn how to hypnotize a woman with Fractionation? Then you’ve come to the right place, so pay attention.
Here’s the thing…
Fractionation Hypnosis is slowly and steadily gaining popularity in dating and relationship advice circles. And for good reason – because it works. More and more men are realizing that if you want to win a woman’s heart, you got to win her MIND.
And the question most guys ask is this: How exactly does Fractionation Hypnosis work?
Now, that’s a fair question. After all, hypnosis is by itself a little-known area of science. It’s easy to feel skeptical about it.
And yet it’s absolutely CRUCIAL to success with women and life. If you don’t master Fractionation, the ladies will leave you for men who do. Believe me because this is true.
I’m not exaggerating, by the way. And you’ll see why in this guide today.
You’re about to get a good explanation of what Fractionation is, why women love it, and – most importantly – how to use it.
What's Inside This Guide
What Is Fractionation Hypnosis?
Fractionation was first popularized by Derek Rake, the founder of Shogun Method((Derek Rake, Fractionation and Emotional Enslavement In Hypnosis. Shogun Method, 2015)).
If you haven’t heard of him before, he’s a San Diego-based relationship coach. He teaches his students how to understand the female mind completely, scientifically.
The rationale is simple. If you understand how the female mind works, you can influence her decisions in any way you choose.
And one of Derek’s most powerful techniques – if not THE most powerful – happens to be Fractionation.
The best thing about Fractionation is that you can use it on any woman – someone you just met, or on your girlfriend or wife.
So what’s Fractionation?
Fractionation is the exploitation of a particular “flaw” in the female mind. And that happens to be its weakness for emotional rollercoasters.
That’s the lynchpin of the whole process. Women get ADDICTED to emotional rollercoasters and their sources. It’s the reason why women tend to get hooked on TV dramas, erotic novels, and shopping. It’s about the emotional ups-and-downs.
(To see the scientific proof behind Fractionation, click here.)
Now, we guys have this “flaw” in our minds, too. If you’ve ever gotten hooked to a TV show like Game of Thrones or an addictive video game, then you know what it’s like.
It’s just that women feel this addiction TEN TIMES MORE than we do.
And that’s why Fractionation is such an effective tool for men. It’s more loved by women than the best pickup tricks out there. (And that’s why Shogun Method practitioners are more successful than Pickup Artists.)
The more you put a woman on emotional rollercoasters, the deeper her addiction to you becomes.
And on and on it goes until she becomes totally, completely in love with you for life.
That’s the science behind Fractionation hypnosis.
And that leads us to the next question: How can I use Fractionation?
How Can I Use Fractionation?
To begin with, the key is to put women on emotional rollercoasters EFFORTLESSLY.
And I’d say the best way to do that is via the “Water Words” technique.
Think of it as being like waves of water – coming in, making a splash, and going back out to sea.
Just like water, your words will continue making a “splash” in a woman’s mind. Until, eventually, she gives in to her addiction((Dodes, L.M., 2002. The heart of addiction. HarperCollins Publishers.)) and falls madly in love with you.
Imagine having the power to make women fall in love with you just by using the art of conversation. No fancy dates, no expensive gifts, no months of elaborate courtship. Just conversation.
That’s the power the “Water Words” technique will give you.
In just a moment, I’ll give you a couple of examples you can use TODAY. Keep reading!
Fractionation Hypnosis: “Water Words”
First, you can “rollercoaster” a woman by talking about happy and sad topics.
For instance, you can start your conversation by telling a funny story from your childhood. It could be, say, a hilarious misadventure with your best friend. That’s the emotional high.
Then, after you get her to laugh, you tell her that your best friend passed away a few summers after that. That’s the emotional low.
And then, you tell her that right now, you have fond memories of your best friend. You tell her some important lessons your best friend taught you. This gives her another emotional high.
This is a good, easy-to-use example of the Water Words technique. It’s a happy-sad-happy rollercoaster. Done frequently enough, you’ll be making a woman feel addicted to it.
And most importantly, she’ll associate the “happy” feeling with you. And that’s going to help tremendously if you’re thinking of getting into a relationship with her down the line.
Pretty good, right?
Here’s another example…
First, you start a conversation with a woman in your usual, harmless, friendly way.
Then you switch to a romantic topic. For instance, you share an exciting adventure you had with one of your ex-girlfriends. This is the emotional high.
Then you switch back to a platonic topic – such as how the weather. This is the emotional low.
Afterward, you switch again to a romantic topic. For instance, you could ask her if she’s experienced a similar adventure with one of her exes. This is another emotional high.
You get the idea, right?
How To Use Fractionation On Women
This application of the Water Words technique is a “romantic-platonic-romantic” rollercoaster. And likewise, if you put a woman on it frequently enough, she’ll soon associate the feelings of romance with you.
See how it works by now?
These are just two simple, super-basic examples. They just scratch the surface of how Fractionation can change your love life forever. Believe me because this is true.
To unlock the true power of Fractionation hypnosis, you’ll need a master’s level of understanding of it.
And that’s what you’ll be getting today.
To start, click this link.
That link will take you to Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
There, Derek himself will immerse you deeper into the Fractionation mindset. He’ll also give you a bunch more examples you can copy and use TODAY.
If you want to master Fractionation, then click on that link right now. Be sure to sign up using your best e-mail address. That’s where Derek will send your Invite Ticket as soon as you qualify.
Why not check it out right now?
After all, life is short. No sense wasting any more time with trial-and-error. It’s time to start following what works.
Fractionation is where your salvation lies.