Why do I want to know how to control a woman emotionally? This is nuts. Only psychopaths want to control other people!”
That, my friend, is a classic Beta male excuse.
A Beta male always wants to play “nice” with women. He probably gets his idea of romantic relationships from Hollywood movies. The nice guys always win in the end, right?
Well, that’s why Beta males are, well, Beta males. In real life, love is war. And you can’t win a war with wishy-washy thoughts like “if you love someone, set her free.”
The truth is often the opposite to what we think is true. You shouldn’t be “setting” the love of your life “free”. Love is selfish. You want her all for yourself. You don’t want to share. This is in your nature as a masculine man. Don’t fight it.
Knowing how to control a woman emotionally is absolutely essential if you want to win a woman over. This guide will help you learn that, and more. Fasten your seat belt, and let’s go!
What's Inside This Guide
Why Your Woman Wants You To Control Her
Men and women are polar opposites. Opposites attract, and similarities repel. This is a fundamental law of human nature1. Again, never fight your own nature.
It’s politically correct to talk about gender equality these days. Don’t get me wrong: I am all for equality when it comes to, well, a lot of things. But you must never confuse gender equality with sexual “sameness”. Why? Because “sameness” never lead to attraction. We never get attracted sexually to another person who is “similar” to us.
For a relationship to form, therefore, the following condition must be met:
There must be polarity (or “oppositeness”) between the two sexes.
The most obvious opposite trait would be one between domination and submission. One has got to be dominant, and one has got to be submissive. Again, that is a fundamental law of human nature.
Guess who should be the dominating one in a relationship. Right, it’s the man who should be the dominant one.
Here’s the thing. You can’t have “balance” in a relationship. For a relationship to work, you must have a dominant partner. And it must be the man. It must be you.
The burden of leadership is on your shoulders. There’s no “ruling by consensus”. In a relationship, you’re the master, and you rule by tyranny. That’s how things should be.
And women know this instinctively. She wants you to be the alpha in the relationship. She wants you to control her. Why? Because this is how mother nature has programmed her.
And guess what? Any attempt to shift the power in the relationship to her will weaken the relationship. Why? Because once your dominance is “diluted”, both of you will become more equal. And as you already know, “equality” and “sameness” will reduce attraction.
Let me state this again because it’s important:
For a relationship to be strong and healthy, the man must dominate and lead the woman2. And the key to do this is to control a woman emotionally. Why? Because a woman is controlled by her emotions. So, by controlling her emotions, you will control her.
The power over a woman’s emotions will give you the keys to the kingdom.
“You’re So Controlling!”
But how about the common complaints from women about dominant men?
“You’re a chauvinistic jerk because you don’t treat me as an equal.”
“You’re so controlling!”
“I wish you are not that dominating sometimes. I have feelings too, you know.”
When you hear lines like that, beware. Those are what we call “shit tests” – women throw that at you to see if you’re fit enough to be their man.
Again, women know instinctively that men should be the leader in the relationship. Shit-testing is only a way for them to check if you’re still worthy of the mantle of leadership. The only way to handle these shit tests is to see them for what they are for real. Shit-tests are NOT complaints. The only way to deal with shit-tests are to brush them off as any dominant man would.
Make sense?
Good. Next, let’s talk about the mechanics in controlling a woman. Specifically, we will be using a Mind Control technique called Fractionation.
How To Control A Woman Emotionally: With Fractionation
By now, I am assuming that you already know (at least roughly) what Fractionation is. If you don’t, here’s some background reading:
Here what’s fractionation hypnosis is (yes, it’s a type of hypnosis) and the scientific proof that fractionation works. Specifics are here: how to use fractionation in texting, on your girlfriend, on your wife, on your ex-girlfriend or wife.
That’s a lot of reading there, I know. But this knowledge is absolutely essential for you as a man – trust me on this. Bookmark those pages and refer to them later. Then, continue below.
Here’s Fractionation defined in a sentence:
Fractionation is the process of making a woman go on an emotional roller coaster – so that she develops an addiction to you.
Women, by the nature of female psychology, are addicted to emotional drama. This is why they find certain things to be irresistible:
Even their relationships with their friends runs on Fractionation. They would spend hours and hours gossiping about others – to get their daily fill of emotional drama. Sometimes, they indulge in fights and petty squabbles between each other. They’ll kiss and make up and be best pals again… only to start another fight. Again, this is a manifestation of their need for drama.
Women have an unquenchable thirst for Fractionation. And here’s the thing… if your woman can’t fill her hunger for drama from you, then she’ll go find it elsewhere. It is therefore essential for you to “feed” her daily – with drips of Fractionation constantly throughout the day.
If you’ve never Fractionated your woman before, then you’ll need to start off with a bang. Many successful Shoguns (people who practice Shogun Method – where Fractionation came from) transform from bitch-slapped little puppies into the dominant bulldog with their women by doing this one thing. You’ll learn what this “one thing” is next.
I gotta warn you though… like everything worth doing, this comes with risk. If you’re scared, DON’T DO THIS. I would recommend this only as a “last resort” kinda thing… when the pain becomes unbearable, and you’ve got nothing to lose. This will be your best bet in making a relationship work again, but you must prepare to LOSE her. The truth is that many women are not be mentally strong enough to withstand the extreme effects of Fractionation. Learn this technique and see for yourself if you’re willing to give it a shot.
With that said, let’s dive into the “Big Bang Protocol” and see what it’s all about. Let’s go.
The Fractionation “Big Bang Protocol”
Derek Rake calls this the “Big Bang” technique for a good reason.
It’s the Golden Hammer that you can wield to restore the balance of power in your relationship. Use it once and the dark clouds will part and you’ll see Jesus. OK, I kid, but still… trust me on this. It’s probably the best thing that you will ever do for yourself, and for your woman.
So, this is what the “Fractionation Big Bang” is. It comes in three simple steps. Let’s go through each step in detail.
Step #1: The Love Bomb
The first step is what we call the “Love Bomb” stage. During this stage, you’ll shower your woman with excessive love, attention and care.
The keyword here is “excessive”. If you’ve only said “I love you” to her once or twice, say it every day. If you’ve never kissed her goodnight before, start. Be a complete wimp and defer everything to her. Pepper your conversations with her with things like:
“You’re right, honey.”
“You decide, darling. You know best.”
“I should listen more to you, babe.”
How do you know that you’re doing this right? Well, she must be suspicious and feel that something’s “off” – because you’ll seem different to her. You’ll know that you’re making progress if you hear these from her:
“Is there anything wrong? This is unlike you.”
“What’s happening here? Stop messing with me.”
“Well, I don’t expect that from you.”
When you hear these lines, then what you need to do is to ramp shit up a little. Say to her:
“I have been wrong.”
“I’m sorry that I have doubted you.”
“You know more than I do.”
Now, say those things sincerely, or at least PRETEND to be sincere. Never use a sarcastic tone of voice or you’ll sabotage yourself. Remember… women have very strong instincts, and they will know the shit you’re trying to pull off if you’re not careful.
At this stage, you should make her feel suspicious about your intentions. In her mind, she will think:
“Wait, what’s happening? Something’s not right here. Is he changing for real, or there’s something else that I don’t know about? Has he gone fucking crazy? Does he have another woman? Is he planning to walk out on me?”
The last thing to do at this stage is to do this: buy her a dozen roses. (This works even better if you don’t usually buy flowers for her). In the note, write something fucking mushy like: “Darling, I love you for 10,000 years. I’d die without you, my sweetest of sweet.” It should make you chuckle a bit.
Then, you’re ready for the next step.
Step #2: The Cold Turkey
This is the reversal of the “Love Bomb”. You’ll go “Cold Turkey” on her, and do everything in the opposite of everything you’ve done in the first step.
Do these two things:
- Send her this text: “I’m done.” That’s it. Two words. DON’T SAY ANYTHING ELSE. This is important.
- Then, go 100% radio silence on her.
If you’re married to her, get the fuck out of town. Go stay with your buddy. Or, check into a hotel if you must. Leave quietly without her knowing.
If you’re dating her, then go somewhere she couldn’t find you. You want to be 100% absent from her life.
Understand that this will be mentally hard on you. And I have to warn you:
If you have STARTED the “Big Bang” sequence with the first step, then it’s CRUCIAL that you follow through with the Cold Turkey. If not, you will pretty much ruin your relationship. Don’t say I didn’t tell you beforehand.
Once you’ve started to go Cold Turkey on her, you can expect her to text and call you. Her responses will come in a few stages:
The first stage is curiosity. Expect things like:
“What do you mean? Done with what?”
Where are you?”
“Come back now. I need you to fix the faucet.”
Resist all temptation to text back. If she calls, ignore her.
The second stage is anger. She would be blowing up your phone at this point. She will text you things like:
“What the fuck is this?”
“If you don’t respond, I’ll be DONE with you for sure”
These are signs that she is responding well to the technique. Again, steel your nerve and NEVER respond. In fact, start switching your phone off.
She might be calling your friends and family to check up on you. It’s important for you, therefore, NOT to share this strategy with anyone. If your friends call you to ask, just tell them that you’re OK. There’s no need to explain anything to anyone.
Get it? Great.
The third stage is bewilderment. She’ll soften up, and might even beg you to respond to her. She will text you apologetically like this:
“Let’s talk, baby”
“I wanna sort this out”
“If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I can’t help you, darling”
When you reach this point, then do this:
Send her a one-word text:
That’s it. End of text.
Then, continue to be out of bounds for at least two days after that. Let her brew in her cocktail of emotional turmoil. It will hurt her, but this is absolutely necessary for the technique to work. Trust me on this.
Then, after two days, get into the “Rebound” stage…
Step #3: The Rebound
At this stage, she will be sick and desperate over the entire affair. She will be at a low point emotionally. This will affect you for sure, but understand that you have the power to bring relief to her emotional pain.
Timing is important here. “Let her go” too quickly and she won’t Fractionate that much.
After the two days, then go and see her. DO THIS WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. You want to completely take her by surprise.
And when she sees you, expect a combination of the following emotions and reactions:
Ecstasy PLUS anger PLUS euphoria PLUS anxiety PLUS love PLUS confusion PLUS relief
It’s an entire rollercoaster of emotions packed into one single event3: you turning up at her door. See how powerful this is?
Expect her to launch a barrage of questions as she tries to desperately get answers from you. She will start making accusations. It’s uncomfortable to be kept “hanging”, and so she will need a quick resolution to the conflict.
You should keep quiet and let her vent. That’s it. It may take minutes, or maybe even hours. She might even start to cry. This is 100% normal. Let her empty her system. You should not say anything at all, and you should show no emotion on your face. Be as stoic as possible.
When she is done ranting and raving like a lunatic, then here’s what you need to do:
Smile. Hug her tight, and say “I love you.”
That’s all you need to do. And then, watch the magic unfold. You will feel the power shifting back to you. She will seem to be someone entirely different. If she has been one harpy little shrew before this, expect her to transform into a docile little kitten.
This is the start of the new phase of your relationship. It’s one where you are in a position of power. You will be the dominant man that she wished you will be. And she will be happily submitting to your authority because she knows that you’re the one who is in control. You call the shots, and she is entirely comfortable (and happy) with that.
This is NOT the end, though. Remember that you want to put her emotions under YOUR control – that’s the endgame. And to do that, you will need to perform the final step – “The Anchor”.
Step #4: The Anchor
In Shogun Method, there’s an important concept called the “Anchor”. What’s an Anchor? Well, it’s a trigger that is linked to an emotional state. Linking an emotional state to a trigger, therefore, is known as “anchoring”4.
It’s pretty easy to understand with an example. When I was a kid, my favorite ice cream was chocolate chip from Ben and Jerry’s. I have fond memories of enjoying that ice cream with my old man. Every week after Sunday school he would drive me to Ben and Jerry’s where he would buy me a mouthwatering chocolate chip triple sundae.
These days, whenever I drive by Ben and Jerry’s, I would feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Why? Because it reminds me of the good times I had with my father, and how much he spoiled me as a kid. Here, the sight of Ben and Jerry’s is the “trigger” of an emotional state (happiness). Whenever the trigger is pulled (when I see a Ben and Jerry’s signage, or a chocolate chip ice cream), I reach the emotional state linked to it (I feel happy).
Easy to understand, right?
Well, let’s tie this idea back to Step #3 above. When she sees you after a few days absence, what happens? She will feel a mixture of feelings, driven two things:
- The relief that you’re back in her arms, and
- The fear that she may lose you again.
You want her to remember this feeling so that she will always be subservient to you. How do you do it? By ANCHORING this emotional state to a trigger that you choose.
Let’s continue where we have left off in Step #3. It ends with the part where you hug her tight and reassure her that you are back. This is where you will perform the Anchoring on her.
When you hug her, whisper this into her ear:
“Remember how you feel. Remember how you feel. Remember how you feel.”
Say it slowly, and deliberately. Then, tap the back of her left ear lightly three times with your right hand. (This is where you place the Anchor.) She will be in trance, and to keep her in trance, you must do this with conviction. This is important.
If she becomes confused and starts to ask you what you’re doing, ignore her. Just smile and assure her that everything will be fine.
So, how can you use this Anchor?
Well, chances are that you don’t – if you have performed all the four steps correctly. However, if you need it, you have the option to fire off this Anchor – whenever she is behaving in a way that you disapprove.
For example, suddenly act unreasonable and start throwing a fit. You then have the option of using this Anchor – by hugging her tightly, and then tap her left ear three times, saying “Remember how you feel.” Instantly, the memory of you leaving her will come back, bringing with it a potent cocktail of emotions – anxiety, grief and turmoil mixed with joy, relief and euphoria.
This will snap her out of her “insanity” and calm her down instantly, putting her emotions under (your) control.
The Dangers of Fractionation (A Warning)
By now, you should understand that Fractionation comes with certain risks and dangers. The same goes for Shogun Method tactics like Anchoring, the Black Rose Sequence5, etc.
Indeed, this stuff is not for the faint of heart. And if you’re afraid of taking risks, then you’d better stick to “safe” tricks. Like, I don’t know, sending your woman birthday cards!?
Looking back at the “Big Bang Protocol”, you may cause emotional damage to her if you do the following (purposely or by mistake):
- Stopping at the Cold Turkey stage. Many men told me that they simply lost interest after they moved out – they had enjoyed the independence that had eluded them after they got attached or married. They would then leave their women for good, leaving them high and dry.
- Messing up with the Rebound stage. During the reconcile meeting, they get sucked back into their women’s frame, undoing the entire hypnotic Fractionation effect. This will not “damage” a woman per se, but it will make future attempts to Fractionate her harder.
- Abusing the Anchor. This is, by far, the worst of all. Some men find their newfound power to be irresistible – and I can understand that (especially when they come from relationships where they had been powerless). However, firing the Anchor indiscriminately will have two effects: (1) the effect of the Anchor will wear off over time, or (2) your woman may not be able to take the extreme fluctuations of her emotions triggered by the Anchor.
Fractionation is the definitive answer to the “how to control your woman emotionally” question. With it, men can finally regain the power lost through the feminine imperative. And I believe it will lead to happiness for BOTH men and women.
Now, there’s always a question of morality when it comes to using Mind Control tactics in love. Techniques like Fractionation, Anchoring and Shogun Method’s Black Rose Sequence are morally neutral. You can use these tactics for good, or for bad. And many men use it to make their relationships better – and not to harm women in any way. I hope you will, too.
All in all, how your woman will react to Fractionation will depend on how strong she is, mentally. If done properly, she will be much happier as a person. Remember, she wants you to be the rock on which she can hold on to – to fight against her own emotional volatility). Do it wrongly and she’ll suffer needlessly.
Finally, remember this:
Fractionation has lots of little things that may go wrong if go unchecked. I can’t possibly teach you Fractionation in detail inside an essay like this. Attend Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass and learn Fractionation directly from the master. After all, he invented the entire thing, and there’s nobody else better to learn from.
- Manley, M.H., Diamond, L.M. and van Anders, S.M., 2015. Polyamory, monoamory, and sexual fluidity: A longitudinal study of identity and sexual trajectories. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 2(2), p.168.[↩]
- Segal, L., 2007. The Belly of the Beast (I): Sex as Male Domination?. In Slow Motion (pp. 171-194). Palgrave Macmillan, London.[↩]
- Derek Rake, Climax of the Rollercoaster – a Study in Fractionation, Shogun Method, 2015[↩]
- White, B.J., Alter, R.D., Snow, M.E. and Thorne, D.E., 1968. Use of instructions and hypnosis to minimize anchor effects. Journal of experimental psychology, 77(3p1), p.415.[↩]
- Derek Rake, The Black Rose Sequence, Shogun Method, 2015[↩]